group courses 2024
live in Blackrock Dublin
or semi/private Zoom to suit
*Jan 14, *Mar 3, *Apr 28, *jun 23
*Jul 28, Sept 8, Oct 20, Dec 1st & *Private options
or semi private retreat
in Wicklow
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Why not join us for our new "Mummy Relaxation", post natal relaxation class?! A little window of peace where you can look after yourself, recharge your batteries, relax your mind and body, and have some much deserved "ME" time!
A 4 week course costs €40 and by attending it will:
Help to increase your confidence and calmness during the postnatal period which is a time of bonding, resting and adapting to the immense changes to both you and your baby’s life.
Taking time out to relax + re-energise will help you stay calmer, respond more instinctively + cope well with all the changes which will bring long term benefits to you both.
Can be used by all mothers regardless of the type of birth you’ve had
Promotes deep refreshing sleep (even if it is only for half an hour)
Information and exercises for your Pelvic Floor Muscles.
Decreased chance of post natal depression
Increase confidence as a new mother & Faster recovery rate
Sense of calm and tranquility
Contact us for more information + reserve your place. Dublin post natal classes & retreats available!