group courses 2024
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*Jul 28, Sept 8, Oct 20, Dec 1st & *Private options
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Birth Stories
The best way for you to feel more positive about birth, is to constantly surround yourself with postive birth stories, images and videos. Here is a range of positive Birth Stories from our clients to inspire you, and show the various ways FearFree Birthing can help you to prepare no matter what path your birth takes.
Heath's Birth - Waterbirth
Second Birth, Big Baby
Finn's Birth - Caesarean Birth
Last Minute Change of Birth Plan at 40weeks, Positive Woman Centred Caesarean Experience
Milo's Birth - Natural Hospital Birth
Not Enough Time for Waterbirth, and Had To Be Monitored, But They Adapted to Change of Birth Path
Aria's Birth - Epidural Birth
Skype Course in Norway, Long Labour Utilising the Techniques & Remaining Calm During Medical Procedures